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The Coronavirus: What we're doing to prioritize your health
Our preschool offers the finest facilities available for children ages infant to 1st grade. Our preschool curriculum provides developmentally appropriate learning opportunities to encourage your child to be confident, successful, life-long learners. Our NEW after school program serves students in kindergarten & 1st grades attending Long Leaf and Oak Grove Elementary Schools.
The early years are critical to your child’s positive growth and development, and they are eager to learn new skills, experience challenging opportunities, and be encouraged by their strengths and talents. We hope your whole family will enjoy the Preschool & After School Programs and the friends you will make here.

Highlights and Quick Facts
Safe and Secure
Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum
Caring, Competent and Compassionate Staff
Increased Parent Engagement and Communication
CPR & First Aid Certified Staff
License by State of Mississippi
Highly Educated and Qualified Teachers